Dr. Niki Vermeulen (Manchester): Supersizing and synthesizing science.
Collaboration in the life sciences.
22.05.2014 um 16:00 Uhr
The history of science shows a shift from single-investigator ‘little science’ to increasingly large, expensive, multinational, interdisciplinary and interdependent ‘big science’. In physics and allied fields this shift has been well documented, but the rise of collaboration in the life sciences and its effect on scientific work and knowledge has received relatively little attention. This paper explores collaborations in both field and laboratory biology, showing different historical trajectories and forms of organisation. These differences are still visible in contemporary collaborations, while also a common current trend towards synthesis research can be observed: a distinctive form of collaboration that integrates disparate theories, methods, and data across disciplines, producing models of life to improve scientific understanding and its application.
when: mai 25, 2014, 4-6 p.m.
where: Historicum , room 022